Sculpture Dog inspired by the character Baleia, from Vidas Secas (Brazilian literature Graciliano Ramos )
Size: 44cm length x 29cm height x 12cm width
Origin: Brazil
History: Marcos da Sertânia's famous cedar sculptures are inspired by the character Baleia, from the Vidas Secas novel, written in 1938 by Graciliano Ramos, a true landmark in Brazilian literature. Marcos' family is made up of farmers and artisans as well, but he began to develop his own style by portraying families migrants from the hinterland, always fine characters with dramatic expressions, showing the suffering side of those who face the drought. "People from Sertânia thought what I do was ugly. I disproportionate things, but I like the disproportionate, in the same way I think my universe is beautiful. Of course, the drought is terrible, but the caatinga is beautiful. they said that my work looked like Portinari's. When I saw his paintings, I saw that what I was doing, he was also doing".
Handmade Wooden | Wood Carved Dog | Cedar Wood
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SKU: 1032-9
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